Issued by HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad 200801006421 (807705-X).
*Terms and Conditions for HSBC Amanah Travel Surprise Promotion apply. The Prizes are capped at one (1) unit per primary Eligible Cardholder in accordance with the selection process detailed in the Promotion Terms & Conditions. A total of 83 units of travel vouchers are to be given out throughout the Promotion Period. All employees including permanent, contract or temporary of HSBC Malaysia, HSBC Malaysia’s subsidiary(ies) and HSBC Malaysia’s related company(ies) shall not be eligible to win the Grand Prize. The Prizes are pooled together with HSBC Travel Surprise Promotion. HSBC Bank is the sole provider of the Prizes. The terms used herein are as defined in the HSBC Amanah Travel Surprise Terms & Conditions.