Enter your details to complete your redemption
Primary Credit Card Number
Please key in a Premier Travel Credit Card number.
Expiry Date (mm/yy)
Please follow this format (mm/yy)
Primary Card Holder Name
Name is required (Maximum 60 characters only)
I/C Number or Passport Number
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Tel No. (Home) (no hyphen)
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Tel No. (Office) (no hyphen)
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Tel No. (Mobile) (no hyphen)
Please follow this format (60123456789)
Please enter a valid email
Please ensure your latest email address is updated with HSBC prior to redemption to ensure accuracy of fulfilment via email for eVouchers/Digital Vouchers redemptions. In the event the email address stated above does not match the email address in our records, we will proceed to fulfil using the email address in our records.
Delivery within Malaysia only
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Local delivery Address 1
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Local delivery Address 3
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HSBC will make arrangements to deliver the Reward Item(s) to you within 3 weeks (barring any unforeseen circumstances) after receipt of your redemption request
I/We consent and agree that the Bank may disclose and process my/our information, for purposes as provided for in the Bank's Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the Bank's Universal Terms and Conditions.
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I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the
HSBC Premier Travel Rewards Programme Terms and Conditions
and if applicable, the merchant’s Voucher/Promo Code terms & conditions in the rewards catalogue. I am aware that there shall be no cancellation or changes upon submission of a redemption request.
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The card number you entered is not valid. Please enter your HSBC Premier Travel Credit Card number to perform this redemption. Please try again.